Fruitful Startup-Corporate partnership

CHF 499.00

This course provides participants (startups like corporates) with a comprehensive understanding of the strategies and tools required to build successful partnerships between startups and corporates. Through a series of lessons, participants will learn the importance of partnerships, how to find the right partners, establish effective communication and collaboration, and navigate the partnership journey. Real-life case studies and practical exercises will be used to enhance the learning experience and allow participants to apply their knowledge. By the end of the course, participants will have the skills and knowledge to create and maintain fruitful partnerships between startups and corporates.




The collaboration between corporates and startups is crucial for driving innovation and growth. Corporates can benefit from startups’ agility and innovative solutions, gaining access to new technologies and expanding into new markets. Startups, on the other hand, can tap into corporates’ experience, resources, and market presence to mitigate risks and scale their businesses. However, there are challenges to overcome, including cultural differences, communication barriers, resource imbalances, speed of decision-making, trust, legal complexities, and mismatched objectives. To succeed, both parties must invest in building trust, open communication, goal alignment, and structured collaboration frameworks. This will create a mutually beneficial relationship that fosters growth, innovation, and market success.

This course aims at providing practical tools to succeed in building profitable, sustainable and equitable partnerships.

Throughout the course, real-life case studies and practical exercises will be provided to enhance the learning experience and allow participants to apply the knowledge gained. By the end of the course, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of the strategies and tools required to build fruitful partnerships between startups and corporates.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Introduction to Partnership Building

  • Understanding the importance of partnerships between startups and corporates
  • Identifying the benefits of collaboration for both parties
  • Exploring the challenges faced in building successful partnerships

Lesson 2: Finding the Right Fit

  • Assessing the goals and objectives of startups and corporates
  • Identifying common interests and areas of synergy
  • Conducting thorough research to find potential partnership opportunities

Lesson 3: Establishing Effective Communication and Collaboration

  • Developing effective communication channels between startups and corporates
  • Building trust and fostering open dialogue
  • Establishing clear roles and responsibilities for each party

Lesson 4: Navigating the Partnership Journey

  • Developing a strategic roadmap for partnership success
  • Overcoming obstacles and adapting to changing circumstances
  • Evaluating and measuring the outcomes of the partnership

The online course comes with recorded videos for each lesson, real-life case-based exercises, knowledge acquisition quizzes, and practical tools that will help you build your successful partnership (checklists, scorecards, governance tools, agreement templates and more).

The course is strongly recommended to any startup and corporate aiming at building successful relationships in the domain of innovation and co-development.

Language: English.


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